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Community Penalties And Payment By Results - Criminology

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Halliday Report (2001)

  • Existing law was too complex

    • Too many different types of community orders with different restrictions

  • Difficult to place in the hierarchy

    • Viewed as being less serious than imprisonment, but had very onerous conditions and breach could result in custody

    • Community sentences could only be used under CJA 1991 if the offence was too serious for fines

  • Difficult to rank the “punitive weight” of different community sentences in order to ensure proportionality

  • Viewed by the public as “insufficiently punitive or protective of communities”

The single Community Sentence

  • CJA 2003 introduced a single sentence with different requirements that can be imposed

  • S148(1): the offence (or in combination with associated offences) must be serious enough to warrant a community sentence

    • Shouldn’t be used for minor cases, which can be dealt with via discharge or fine

    • BUT allows for fines to be used even where the threshold for community sentences is passed

    • Sentencing guidelines usually divide them into low, medium and high community orders based on seriousness of the offence

  • S151: court can impose a community sentence on an offender who has been fined on 3 or more occasions since the age of 16 even if the current offence doesn’t meet the threshold

    • If it is in the interests of justice to impose a community sentence

  • Unpaid work requirement (s199)

    • Required to perform 40-300 hours of work to be carried out within 12 months

    • Principles

      • Cheaper alternative to imprisonment

      • Symbolic reparation to the community

      • Allows them to be supported within the community during the sentence

    • Type of work is determined by probation service

    • Most common single requirement used in 2007 community orders

      • Usually for offenders with fewer problems (e.g. addictions and disorders)

  • Activity requirement (s201)

    • Offender can be required to participate in specified activities for up to 60 days, usually at a community rehabilitation centre

    • Only if the probation officer has been consulted and court satisfied that compliance is feasible

  • Programme requirement (s202)

    • Offender can be required to participate in an accredited programme

    • Only if a probation officer has recommended the programme as being suitable

      • e.g. Reasoning and Rehabilitation, Think First, anger management

    • 3rd most frequently used requirement in 2007, usually combined with others

  • Prohibited activity requirement (s203)

    • Prohibits the offender from participating in specified activities for a certain period or on specific days (e.g. banned from driving)

    • Probation officer must be consulted

    • Hardly used

  • Curfew requirement (s204)

    • Maximum period of 6 months

    • Must be imposed with an electronic monitoring requirement unless an exception applies (e.g. inappropriate in these circumstances)

      • Useful in disrupting “pattern offending”

    • Hucklesby (2008): curfews can be rehabilitative

      • Of limited incapacitative effect

      • Combined with supervision requirement, can help offenders to disengage from habits and criminal networks (although difficult to align curfews with employment hours)

  • Exclusion requirement (s205)

    • Offender banned from entering a specific place for up to 2 years (similar to ASBO)

  • Residence requirement (s206)

    • Can only specify a hostel or institution if recommended by a probation officer

    • Could be required to stay at home or with a relative

  • Mental health treatment requirement (s207-208)

  • Drug rehabilitation requirement (s209-211)

    • Offender required to submit to drug treatment and testing for at least 6 months

    • Only applicable if offender has a treatable dependency on drugs

    • Might be used for rehabilitative purposes even if the custody threshold is passed

  • Alcohol treatment requirement (s212)

    • Similar to drug rehabilitation requirement except without testing

    • Treatment programmes usually funded by NHS so not widely available

  • Supervision requirement (s213)

    • Effectively replaces the probation order

    • Most used requirement (>1/3) in 2007, can be combined with other requirements

    • Usually used for offenders with past convictions who were unemployed

    • National Probation Service will categorise offenders into 4 tiers according to their degree of risk, with stricter and more frequent supervision for the higher tiers

  • Attendance centre requirement (s214)

    • Offender can be required to attend at an attendance centre for between 12-36 hrs

    • Can only be used for offenders under 25

  • S148(2): restrictions on liberty must be “commensurate with the seriousness of the offence”

    • The requirements must also be the “most suitable” for the offender

  • Courts should ask for a pre-sentence report after deciding to give a community sentence

    • Court has an obligation to indicate the purpose(s) it seeks to achieve (e.g. rehabilitation, punishment, protection of the public)

  • Low range orders are most appropriate for offences below the s148 threshold

    • i.e. those imposed via s151

  • Medium range community sentences are primarily for theft offences

  • High range community sentences are appropriate for offences around the custody threshold

    • SGC (2004): can be imposed “for an offence that passes the custody threshold where the court considers that to be appropriate”

  • Offenders can be given more than one successive community sentence

    • Having completed a community sentence doesn’t make them ineligible for further community sentences (especially since different requirements can be imposed)

  • Offender Manager can choose to give a warning instead of initiating breach proceedings on the first breach, but must initiate proceedings for the second breach

  • SGC guidelines: primary objective of the Court in breach proceedings is to ensure that sentence requirements are finished

    • Can either amend the community order to add more onerous requirements or revoke the order and sentence for the...

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