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Politics University of Warwick

Premium Theories of International Relations Notes - Sample PDF


  • Realism; egoism; human nature; international anarchy; self-help; classical realism vs. neorealism; E. H. Carr; Hans Morgenthau; Kenneth Waltz

  • Alexander Wendt; cultures of anarchy; intersubjectivity; Alter & Ego Geopolitics; End of History; Clash of Civilizations; Clash of Ignorance; Edward Said; critical geopolitics; Orientalism; cartography; popular culture; imagined communities; globalization Postcolonialism; Orientalism; Edward Said; Frantz Fannon; Homi Bhabha; strategic essentialism; Gayatri Spivak; subaltern; #BlackLivesMatter; decolonizing the curriculum; Black Panther; Afrofuturism

  • Terrorism; 9/11; War on Terror; definitional quagmire; critical terrorism studies; constructivism; freedom fighter; politics of labelling; Charlotte Kelly; Louis Amoore; vigilant visuality; state terrorism; waves of terrorism

  • An Inconvenient Truth; Kyoto Protocol; Paris Agreement; treaty congestion; neorealist vs. neoliberal responses to climate change; environment-security nexus; the Anthropocene; green theory; Marxism Marxism; class; historical materialism; base-superstructure model; dialectic materialism; ideology; alienation; capitalism; David Ricardo; overproduction; monopolization; automation; Immanuel Wallerstein; world systems/dependency theory; Antonio Gramsci; hegemony; Robert Cox; social reproduction

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Theories of International Relations Notes


What is included?

  • This product contains 7 documents
  • Approximately 27 pages


  • Grade: 2.1
  • Institution: University of Warwick (unaffiliated)
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Level: Undergraduate

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