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Pure Economic Loss - GDL Tort Law

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Three categories of loss:

  1. Physical damage: actual economic loss

  2. Economic loss consequent on physical damage: consequential economic loss

  3. Pure economic loss

  • Generally pure economic loss is not recoverable

Physical damage

  • Quantum – ‘how much’ –liability hearing decides if liable and then the quantum hearing decides how much

  • Loss of earnings / medical care + costs

  • Issues:

    • Remoteness - are they too remote? Where does it stop?

    • Speculative economic loss - claiming for speculative future losses – can claim but high evidential burden

Economic loss consequent on physical damage

  • Lost profit on the thing that has been physically damaged – cost of repairing/replacing etc.

  • Spartan Steel & Alloys Ltd v Martin & Co (Contractors Ltd): D negligently cut off power to plaintiff’s factory ruining melts that were being processed – damaged metal was physical damage and so loss was recoverable – additionally the metal would have been sold at a profit – so loss of profit on damaged metal was also recoverable

Pure economic loss: Not recoverable

  • Loss that arises where there has been no damage to the claimant’s property

  • Policy reason: crushing liability – indeterminate number of claims from indeterminate number of people

  • People are expected to take measures to protect themselves – insurance etc. (Spartan)

Purely financial loss

  • If the claimant has suffered no physical damage to his person/property then his loss will be pure economic loss e.g. where they have made a bad investment, missed a contractual opportunity etc.

Spartan Steel: as a result of the electricity being cut off, the factory was not able to operate for some time – C claimed that during the period of shutdown they could have made further profit from processing further ‘melts’: this was held to be irrecoverable – purely financial and did not result from any damage to the plaintiff’s property.

Heads of Damage:

  • Claimed for damaged melt: actual economic loss

  • Profit on the melt: consequential economic loss

  • Four potential melts that would have been made had the power not been turned off: NO – pure economic loss – potential melts have no relationship to the original damage – separate – one isn’t reliant upon the other

  • Policy reasons – Lord Denning said he had to draw a line to avoid crushing material

    • Duty to mitigate losses: should have had a furnace, back-up generator, could have worked harder etc.

Loss arising from damage to property of another

  • If suffers loss as a result of damage to property which the claimant has no proprietary interest then it will be classed as pure economic loss

  • Weller & CO v Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute: C was an agricultural auction house that brought a claim of profits vs. the institute: D had negligently released the foot and mouth virus and infected local cattle resulting in cattle movement ban and cancellation of local auctions – claim was unsuccessful - no damage to their own property

  • Cattle v Stockton Waterworks : same ratio – you have to have a proprietary interest in the damaged property

Defective items – generally dealt with in contract law – not tort

  • Can’t claim for the cost of repairing an inherently defective item – because pure economic loss – contract law deals with defective goods per se

  • C’s claim that his property is not up to the standard he hoped or expected then his claim will not succeed in tort – unless defective good causes damageyou can sue for the damage but not for the defect

  • Donnoghue v Stevenson – if she had discovered the snail before drinking the ginger beer or hadn’t suffered any ‘injury’ from drinking it – then she would not have been able to recover tort from the manufacturer for the simple defect

Expansion of liability

  • At one point – courts seemed to blur distinction btw property defects – confusion btw contract claims and tort claims

  • Anns – example of one of these cases – defects in the house – cracks in the wall – should be dealt with in contract – but HL allowed it – DOC of local authorities to make sure that the foundations are adequate- suing for a pure economic loss

  • Dutton v Bognor Regis: House built on a rubbish tip – court allowed claim even though it is a defective product

  • Negligent misstatement cases - Batty v Metropolitan Property Realisations and Dennis v Charnwood Borough Council – courts became more willing to allow pure economic loss claims

  • High water mark – Junior Books v Veitchi Co. Ltd. – C contracted with main contractors but asked to use sub-contracted floorers – so wanted the defendants to do the flooring – but it was defective - action vs. flooring sub-contractors for faulty flooring – HL allowed the claim –defendants knew they were being relied upon – reliance and special relationship – situation analogous to a contract - duty of care because there had been ‘assumed responsibility’ – Lord Roskill – relationship was ‘almost as close a commercial it is possible to envisage short of privity of contract’

    • Very difficult to justify case

    • Has never been overruled but distinguished – now regarded as relying on its own facts

Contraction of Liability

  • Muirhead v Industrial Tank Specialities Ltd: claim for damage to property (ie dead lobsters) was allowed but not for a defect in product ( faulty pumps) – did the right thing and sued the tank company in contract law and won– but they went bust so he didn’t get any money – so sued the pump manufacturers in tort law (no contract with them) – tried to use Junior Books – but courts distinguished it – there was no reliance in this situation (pump managers didn’t know who the plaintiff was) so the claim failed

  • Simaan General Contracting Co.v Pilkington Glass Ltd: defect in the supplying of glass for the defendants for a building in Abu Dhabi, court refused a claim for pure economic loss in the absence of a contractual relationship btw the parties – no proximity so the claim failed

  • In both D & F Estates v Church Commisssioners for England and...

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