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Non Custodial Sentencing Table Adults And Youths - BPC Criminal Litigation (formerly BPTC)

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SENTENCE Type Test Court Breach Type Test Court Breach


Can't combine with punitive measure

Absolute discharge Reflects triviality / circumstances of offence






Youth court

Adult mags'

Conditional discharge

Max period 3 years

Only condition is non-commission of further offences

Commission of offence within 3 year period If J receives 2 youth cautions / youth conditional cautions / mix AND convicted of another offence within 2 years of last caution, can't get.



  • combine with hospital order / discharge

  • impose for dangerous offender or PCC(S)A offence

Unlimited fine.

Must fix term of imprisonment in default, dependant on amount - between 7 days and 10 years.

Must enquire into financial circumstances, and take into account.


Mags' do all enforcement for fines.

O does not have means to pay

Order time to pay / instalments

O fails to pay

Mags' issue summons to bring O back before court and may order:

  • time to pay / instalments / reduce amount of instalments

  • remit fine (if change of circumstances / imposed with inadequate means info) - need CC's consent if they imposed

  • immediate imprisonment for default term if:

    • O already serving custodial sentence; OR

    • imprisonable offence and O has means to pay immediately; OR

    • default due to wilful refusal / culpable neglect proved BRD

  • suspended imprisonment, conditional on instalments

  • attachment of earnings / benefits


U16: must order parent to pay

16 / 17: may order parent to pay

Unlimited fine

No imprisonment in default

Max 5000 (per summary / either-way offence) - no maximum aggregate Mags'

14-17: max 1000

U14: max 250



Adult mags'

Bind over To keep the peace

W, D, C

Person bound over promises to pay sum if misbehaves.

Court must fix period and amount of surety.




Forfeit surety.
To come up for judgment

Need D's consent

Bound over on surety

CC only Sentence kicks in. May forfeit surety
Parental - to keep proper care of and control O

Need parent's consent, but if don't give can fine up to 1000

Can include compliance with YRO

Max 3 years - ceases when turn 18

If desirable in interests of justice must make for U16 and may make for 16 / 17

Adult mags' Parent forfeits surety up to 1000
Parenting order

Desirable in interests of justice to prevent further offences?

May need report to decide.

Requires parent to comply with requirements for 12 months. May / must if previous parenting order counselling.

Adult mags'

Fine up to 1000

N.B. commission of further offence by J breach

Reparation order

Can't mix with:

  • detention

  • YRO

Any offence except murder.

If not serious enough to justify YRO.

Max 24 hours work.

Court must

  • obtain report on what work suitable

  • explain consequences of failure to comply

  • obtain consent of person in order


Referral order

Can only mix with compensation orders + parenting orders.

If connected offences must deal by referral order / discharge.

= referral to youth offender panel - agree contract with O aimed at tackling offending behaviour

Must make if:

  • not murder

  • court not proposing custodial sentence

  • court not proposing discharge

  • O pleaded G and has no pre-cons

May make if O pleaded G, regardless of whether has any pre-cons

The order

  • specify YOT

  • require O to attend meetings

  • specify complicance period (3 months - 1 year)

  • must (U16) / may (17 / 18) attend parent to attend meetings


Youth court

Adult mags'


Community order (adult)

Youth rehabilitation order

Court must specify end date max 3 years after order imposed

Local arrangements must exist

Must be proportionate to risk of re-offending

Unpaid work
  • 40 - 300 hours

  • ends when hours of work completed

  • person suitable to perform work




1 breach warning

2nd breach within 12 months lay info before mags' to bring O before court

Court must do one of:

  • make more onerous order

  • fine up to 2500

  • revoke original order and:

    • deal as if just been convicted

    • impose imprisonment for up to 6 months for wilful and persistent non-compliance if:

      • O 18+

      • original offence not imprisonable

mags' can only do if made original order

CC limited to powers of court that made order

If mags' dealing with breach of order made by CC, may commit O in custody / bail to appear before CC

O convicted of further offence

Court may revoke and deal with O as could've been dealt with for original offence

mags' can only do if made original order

CC limited to powers of court that made order

  • 40 - 240 hours


Youth court

Same but get 1 more warning.

Can't impose imprisonment.

Activity requirement
  • max 60 days

  • compliance feasible

  • consent of 3rd party whose cooperation required

  • max 90 days

  • intensive supervision and surveillance: 90 - 180 days if:

    • offence imprisonable

    • so serious custodial sentence appropriate for 12+

    • if offender U15, persistent offender

Adult mags' N/A
Programme requirement
Prohibited activity requirement must consult probation officer
Curfew requirement + electronic tag
  • 2 - 16 hours per day

  • 12 months max

  • consider attitude of anyone affected by presence of offender

Exclusion requirement + electronic tag
  • 2 years max

Residence requirement
  • recommendation of probation officer if at hostel

  • must consider home surroundings

  • only if 16 / 17 at conviction

person named must consent

LA residence requirement
  • max 6 months

  • ceases to apply when turn 18

  • offence due to circumstances youth living in and residence will assist rehab

  • must be legally represented to impose

  • must consult parent and LA

Foreign travel prohibition requirement 12 months max
Mental health treatment requirement
  • mental condition susceptible to / requires treatment (but not hospital order)

  • offender willing

Drug treatment and testing requirement
  • dependant on / propensity to misuse controlled drug

  • susceptible to...

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