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Legality Rationality Controls - Comparative Public Law

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Proportionality & Unreasonableness


Framework of UK thought

  • Dichotomy in GCHQ per Diplock LJ – distinguish between illegality & irrationality controls

    • Illegality –

      • Controls over improper purposes

      • Controls for relevancy/irrelevancy

    • Irrationality – Wednesbury irrationality

  • Conceptual foundations of dichotomy

    • Illegality controls –

      • Based in separation of powers – courts are demarcating boundaries of statutory powers – jurisdictional error to act for an improper purpose / having regard to irrelevant considerations etc

      • Matter of statutory interpretation

      • Court substitutes judgment as to statutory construction of provision conferring power – ie not relevant that authority makes bona fide interpretation in error

    • Irrationality control –

      • Presumes that illegality controls are not breached – public body acting within jurisdiction

      • Courts more reluctant to interfere with exercise of discretion

      • Not substitute of decision – whether so irrational that no reasonable body could have made decision


  • Illegality controls are exercise of statutory interpretation but are not free of evaluative judgment

    • Improper purpose cases often involve evaluative judgments

      • Bromley per Diplock LJ – acknowledging that purpose of statute unclear

      • Reading in principles – eg rule of law in Corner House

      • Can create contentious results

    • PC says there is inherent malleability in whether court intervenes and whether does so on illegality or irrationality grounds

      • Judges seeking more scope to intervene will go for illegality

      • Judges not minded to intervene can use deference to discretion to avoid intervention

  • Approach taken often depends on level of abstraction of inquiry

    • More abstract the inquiry, more likely that public body will surmount illegality controls & case will have to be dealt with by irrationality controls

    • More specific the inquiry, more likely that the public body will fail at illegality controls

    • Eg Wednesbury example – dismissal of teacher for colour of hair

      • Abstract inquiry – Is it a relevant consideration to consider physical appearance? Probably (eg piercings/punk hair) – would have to go on to consider whether particular case is irrational

      • Specific inquiry – Is it a relevant consideration to consider a natural physical characteristic? Probably not – fails at illegality stage

    • Fairly impossible (especially in adversarial context) to mandate level of abstraction: eg Corner House (looked at illegality, largely as a result of how counsel framed question); Lord Green in Wednesbury admits that the two shade into each other

      • In practice, interesting therefore that the two are not put in the alternative

Irrationality in UK law

  • Test – if public body within jurisdiction, assumption (founded in separation of powers) that Courts should not readily intervene

    • Ie that no reasonable body would ever make the decision / defiance of logic / morally outrageous

  • Does separation of powers justify limited approach in GCHQ?

    • Spectrum

      • Naturally, separation of powers requires that court not substitute judgment on merits in discretionary matter

      • BUT any control necessarily involves some view of the merits

        • Judicial statements of not going into merits is a fiction – have to define scope of ‘reasonable’ decisions

    • PC thinks that there should be (and actually is) a more accessible test

      • Under Wednesbury test no administrative action would ever reach that level of absurdity – but actions do succeed so there must be a different test applied in practice

  • Subtle variations to Wednesbury test

    • Fundamental rights cases: Brind (pre-HRA) – reasonableness review is variable & where decision affects fundamental rights, court will be more intrusive

    • Other methods of variation:

      • Judges pretend to apply Wednesbury to allow relief for the plaintiff, but application stretches credulity

      • Judges reformulate test slightly, with adjectives/adverbs, etc: ITF; Daly (eg decision which reasonable body should have made in all the circs)

      • “Anxious scrutiny” – requires closer scrutiny of facts by primary decision-maker and on judicial review

        • used partly in fundamental rights cases pre-HRA but also in other cases – generally asylum & immigration cases

    • PC says would be preferable to actually reform the test rather than have these “pressure valves”

      • Closer to ‘anxious scrutiny’ test

      • Lord Sumption recently made a speech against ‘anxious scrutiny’

Proportionality in UK law

  • Positive law – only relevant

    • Where HRA applicable: Daly

      • See Smith v Grady (ECHR)

    • EU law – binds member States when performing EU functions

    • (Also some legitimate expectation cases)

  • PC thinks should be a general head of review


History & Background

  • Same duality by different names: misuse of power & proportionality

    • Misuse of power –

      • In some cases, mala fide = similar to French law concept of detournement de pouvoir

      • In others, similar to improper purpose cases in UK

    • Proportionality

      • As above, presumes that ‘misuse of power’ head does not apply

      • Significantly more common than misuse of power cases, because more difficult to win on misuse of power in EU than on improper purpose in UK


  • History – General principle of law fashioned by ECJ, gains traction in 1970s

    • Interesting as not developed in that many countries – not in France or many other civil systems

    • Very developed in German law

  • Test: 3 or 4 levels

    • Legitimate purpose – was purpose pursued legitimate?

    • Necessity – was action necessary in the circumstances?

    • Suitability – was measure suitable to achieve the objective?

    • Stricto sensu proportionality – even if necessary & suitable, is burden on individual nonetheless too great/severe?

  • Applied in all cases – general head of review

    • PC a big fan

    • Arguments against proportionality – that too burdensome on administration – don’t seem to have been borne out

  • Intensity of review – 3 kinds of case

    • Where public body has economic/social/political discretion – Low...

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